Zoom Room integrator 323link sells his 75th Voice Tracker I array microphone

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323link was an early advocate of the combination of Zoom Rooms and Voice Tracker I array microphone to provide cost effective yet high performance video conferencing.

VoIP products like Zoom make video conferencing easy and affordable. At $279, the Voice Tracker I enhances that affordability, providing long pickup range and good sound quality at a price as much and 1/10th that of competitive array microphones.

The AEC in Zoom is robust enough so we don’t need the built-in AEC in the Voice Tracker II.

The Voice Tracker I is easy to set up and is extremely reliable, minimizing the need for IT support. We have had Voice Trackers installed for more than 8 years without problems.

A single Voice Tracker I can cover a 30 foot room, and two or more Voice Trackers can be easily combined for greater coverage.

The price/performance advantage of Zoom and Voice Tracker I has often encouraged our customers to install multiple rooms.

Don Cottom
323link, Inc